Por Inactivo FranceKDORLIVEKDORBest of Rap & RnBCountry: FranceGenres:Frenchhip-hoppoprapKDOR is a web based internet radio station from France that plays Best of Rap & RnB genre of music.ContactsEmail : alexis@kdor-webradio.netYou Also May LikeKonbini RadioCountry: Paris,Île-de-France,FranceGenres:hip-hoprapRnBNostalgie – Tous Les Tubes, Tous Les StylesToute la diversité musicale de vos plus grandes chansonsCountry: Paris,Île-de-France,FranceGenres:FrencholdiesVarietyRadio Decibellela radio qui vous rend la vie belleCountry: Paris,Île-de-France,FranceGenres:80spopPunkTop 40 Navegación de entradas Entrada siguienteSiguiente Acerca de