Por Inactivo NigeriaUmuahiaFLO 94.9 FMLIVEFLO 94.9 FMthe flow of Gods own stateFLO MIC #2.MP3Country: Umuahia,NigeriaGenres:africanCurrent Affairship-hopRnBFlo-FM 94.9 is an urban contemporary radio station that broadcasts live from Umuahia, Abia state. Our broadcast transmission is received in most major cities inYou Also May LikeOECS Online RadioOndo ...tuwa dedeCountry: Ondo City,NigeriaGenres:africanCultureentertainmentDistrict FMBeta Gbedu Non-StopCountry: Lagos,NigeriaGenres:entertainmenthip-hopnewstalkNaijatasticCountry: Lagos,NigeriaGenres:africangospelhip-hopindieRnBsoul Navegación de entradas Entrada siguienteSiguiente Acerca de